Parish Council Meeting 19th November 2024
East Stockwith Parish Council Meeting
19th Nov 2024
Present: Cllr D Forington – Chairman, Cllr W Forington - Vice Chairman, Cllr C Bainborough, Cllr A Harris, Cllr J Scott. In attendance:J Barnett, Clerk. Apologies: Cllr J Barratt, Sheila Bibb Gainsborough Constituency Conservative Association.
1. Draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting 10th Sept 2024.
Agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed: Cllr W Forington, Seconded: Cllr Harris.
2. Matters arising from the minutes.
The Clerk has been unable to source a suitable printing company for the Parish newsletter. Those Cllrs present agreed that finding a printing company is likely to be difficult given that more people use electronic communication today, e.g., websites, email, facebook etc. All agreed to inform residents in the December 2024 newsletter about the future of communicating Parish Council information. It was noted that the Parish Council meeting' agendas and minutes are placed on East Stockwith Parish Council website and on the Parish notice board. Other information usually inserted into the newsletter could, in the future, be placed on the notice board and the village facebook page. Cllr Bainborough offered to place limited information in the reception area at Grosvenor House Care Home for those who have no access to the internet. The Clerk to ask other Parish Councils how they communicate with residents and seek advice from Lincolnshire Association of Parish Councils. LCC have agreed to commission an Archer Survey in Little Walk in the new year. Cllr Scott assisted with the annual sweep of the autumn leaves in Little Walk. Thanks also goes to the unknown volunteer who cleared the leaves in Little Walk prior to Cllr Scott attending, they did a fantastic job and deserve appreciation.
3. Adjournment for public participation.
No public present.
4. Planning applications.
There was none.
5. Memorial service reflection.
The memorial was well attended.
6. Proposals for the planting upgrade and maintenance of the war memorial /village green area.
Cllr Bainborough proposed sixty red robin bushes to further enhance the memorial area at an approximate cost of £9.00 per plant, £540.00 for sixty, plus mulch, chippings and autumn bulbs for next year. Cllr W Forington will purchase the plants. Cllr Bainborough offered to share the labour costs, expected to be in the region of £500. Cllr W Forington proposed that the Council approach East Stockwith and Walkerith Village Hall Trust for funds, given that the war memorials belong to both East Stockwith and Walkeith. All agreed and the Clerk will follow up.
7. Finances.
- All Cllrs present agreed that the Precept for 2025/26 should remain at £5,000. The estimate precept form was signed by Cllr D Forington and will be submitted to WLDC by 22.11.2024 along with a copy of the latest annual audit return. The final precept claim form will be submitted by 24.01.2025.
- The Parish Council annual insurance renewal on the 5.12.2024, is £593.85. The financial position at the bank was presented along with the year end projection. All Cllrs present agreed the Parish Council is in a healthy financial position. Payments; Insurance, £593.85; Poppy wreaths, £54.00; Oct 24 newsletter, £25.00; Clerk’s salary and PAYE.
8. The meeting closed at: 8.00pm.
Date of the next Parish Council Meeting: 14th January 2025 at 7.00pm. Venue: Grosvenor House Care Home, Back Street, East Stockwith.
Members of the public are welcome.