Minutes, East Stockwith Parish Council Meeting 11th July 2023

East Stockwith Parish Council Meeting

11th July 2023 


Present:  Cllr D Forington, Cllr W Forington, Cllr C Bainborough, Cllr J Barratt, Cllr A Harris

In attendance: Jenny Barnett, Clerk

Apologies:  Cllr C Connolly, Cllr C Kernan, Cllr Liz Clews

1.     Draft minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th of May 2023

Agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed; Cllr J Barratt       Seconded; Cllr A Harris

2.     Matters arising from the minutes

St Peter’s Church has officially closed. The Parish Council will share any updates regarding the Church. Cllr Connolly has offered to follow up with written correspondence to the relevant church authorities regarding the closure. Cllr Forington has offered to keep the Church keys in a safe place and the Parish Council agreed to ensure the churchyard grass is well kept.

The public footpath sign on Back Street is still in need of repair. The Clerk to follow up. ESPC Polices have been reviewed and are available on ESPC website. 

3.     Adjournment for public participation

No public attended the meeting.

4.     Telephone poles Carr Lane

Notices have been placed along Carr Lane by BT Openreach regarding the proposed installation of eight new 8mtr poles to be paced opposite the fishery in East Stockwith. This is on the south side of Carr Lane which is the same side as the Stockwith main drain maintained annually by Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board. There was concern that putting poles on the south side of the drain interferes with the de-silting of the watercourse as the extractor works off the roadside verge and will not be able to work under the wires next to the poles. It was discussed that the existing cables are underground, and this is where new cables are best placed. Or alternatively on the other side of the road if above ground. It was discussed that all houses bar one at the end of the current cable run are on the north side of Carr Lane and there is a row of electric poles on the same side, some of which already have telephone wires on them. There was a suggestion that BT Openreach could use these existing poles to put the new telephone wires on.  This would also mean that some existing telephone poles could be removed. There are objections from farmers and landowners in the village as some of the new proposed pole sites are directly opposite either streetlights, road signs or other poles and too close to field gateways. This restricts the width of the road for the passage of large machinery as it is a very narrow road anyway. If there are poles only on one side, then it is much easier and safer to get past them.  The Clerk on behalf of the PC to submit an objection to BT Openreach Pole Objection Team.

5.     Overhanging trees on the roadside between East Stockwith and Walkerith

The trees overhanging the roadside on both sides of the Walkerith Road between East Stockwith and Walkerith are becoming a serious hazard to passing vehicles especially high sided vehicles and tractors. The same applies to the Laughton Road end of Carr Lane. The Clerk to follow up with LCC Highways.

6.     Newsletter advertising rates

It was agreed to increase newsletters advertising rates to £10.00 per edition. However previous rates to be honoured where advertising has been agreed.

7.     Finances

Financial position at bank (latest statement) 30/05/2023 = £13,193.26.

Financial reconciliation presented to date; £13,203.26, which included previously agreed expenditure and automated credits for V.A.T of £538.60 and newsletter advertising of £10.00.

Cheques for signature: WLDC uncontested  elections, £103.58; Clerk’s salary and PAYE 

8.     Any other Business

It was agreed to purchase a new village notice board for East Stockwith as the current notice board is beyond repair. The Clerk to explore suitable suppliers and forward information to the Cllrs. 

Whilst the memorial area is already a welcoming area, it was agreed that planters and memorial silhouettes could enhance the area further. All agreed that the area is central to the village. The Clerk and Cllrs to explore suitable suppliers for consideration.

There was a concern regarding rural crime locally and to alert residents to be vigilant, for example ensuring property and equipment is securely locked. 

Meeting closed at: 8.15 pm. Next meeting, 12th September 2023 at 7.00pm at Grosvenor House, Back Street, East Stockwith. Meetings open to the public.